Saturday, September 5, 2009

Your Daily Dose of Vitamin PC (September 5th)

a363 4f26 2bf2

The Storm Tunnel, Ki'bro's Foothold Is a great card for many different kinds of decks. It fits in great with fluidmorphers, as they will allways gain a counter, or it is good to block Mipedians. It also has a specific use that makes it ever important to today's deckbuild:
It's iniative.
Yep, Iniative of water. Why's that important? Mr. Big Fat Rock Dude, Orth says that he can make your creatures pound someone to a pulp here!

I have two decks for you today:


Friday, September 4, 2009

Your Daily Dose of Vitamin PC (September 4th)

Sorry for missing yesterday. As an apolegy, this vitamin will hae 2 codes!
8cb4 ad46 4ab9
bfa4 7ed4 4db7

So, Mandiblor Crown.... where to start.... where to start?
Mandiblor Crown is what I use to mix compost. When I say "Mix Compost" I mean to make non mandiblors mandiblors. This can mean Mix Tribes, or Jus someone like Nimei is a mandiblor. The second ability makes it so that you gain 5 energy. Not much of a battlegear is it?
Thats why I am going to show you a mixture of "Quick Compost" and "Mix Compost". Quick Compost allows you to quickly get your compost to the discard pile.
So, what is better than quick and mix compost? Extreme Quick Mix Compost! Lol, now I'm just making bigger compost words! :P
Barrath Beyond UnderWorld General is a great card with a costy ability. You have to sac a creature you control to activate it.

Without farther adu, Extremely Quick Compost that mixes the tribes, wins the game, and shows how awesomely wierd a name the name is!

1: Makanaz w/ Sandstorm Shroud
2: Barrath Beyond w/ Mandiblor Crown
3: Makanaz w/ Sandstorm Shroud
4: Ivaleean w/ BronzeFlight
5: Ivaleean w/ Varahons
6: Vidav, Master Stratigist w/ Mipedian Baladeer's Flute

Song of Symetry x2
Discord of Flame x2
Improversational Melody x2

clashjet x2
Consuming Fire x2
Magma Might x2
Inferno Claws x2
Plasma Arrow x2
Incinerase x2
Smokesurge x2
Airize x2
Aftermath Feint x2
Hurlicane x2

Castle Momark x2
Castle Rathwaq x2
Underworld Coliseum x2
Underworld city x2
Mipedim Valley x2

Vidav gives the Compost cards Mipedian Before they get saced so that Barrath Beyond gains the compost ability, 30 energy, and his next attack deals 20 more damage. :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Your Daily Dose of Vitamin PC (September 2nd)

4336 DF93 BB47


"Discard Two Mugic Cards: Destroy target engaged creature with 0 Courage."
Emna'Ool is the destroy Courage Cheiftan. He goes hand in hand with his Newly brainwashed Minion: Lord Van Bloot.
The basic concept of "The Ool" is to lower courage to destroy a creature. Simple, right?
Water is the basic form of courage in the game. Ool has water. All M'arrs except for Gan'trak have water. Easy-Peasy-Lemon-Squeezy. :P
So for the Health of it, why not branch out a bit? LVBSOA has water. So does Rellim Watermaster. 2 minions that go perfectly with The Oool. Why?
LVB's Sicle reduces courage, as well as his ability. RWM Gives your M'arrs Water 5. In this case, Your Rol'dois.
The down sides: Emna'Ool must discard 2 mugic cards to use his ability. Which means only 3 times.


1: Rol'Doi w/ Amber Shard
2: LVBSOA w/ Van Bloot's Sicle
3: Rol'Doi w/ Van Bloot's Sicle
4: Rellim, Water Master w/ Armbands of Lore
5: Neth'Uar w/ Armband's of Lore
6: Emna'Ool w/ Supercharged alternet

Cadnece Clash x2
Geoflourish x2
Melody of Mirrod Actions
Fluidmorpher's Fanfare

Deluge of Doom x2 (4)
Rip Tide x2 (6)
Fear Projection x2 (6)
Daunting Bravery x2 (8)
Supercooled Rain (13)
Aqua Recoil x2 (13)
Burning Rain x2 (13)
Slime Slam x2 (15)
Choral Balls (16)
Geyser Gush x2 (18)
Rage of Aa'Une x2 (20)

Hive Gallery x2
Skeletal Springs x2
Vidav's Reinfactorium x2
Psi-Koon Madness Chamber x2
Phalphanax Portcullis x2

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Your Daily Dose of Vitamin PC (September 1)

EE37 4868 6B72

I'm not going to go super in depbth today, because my wrist is really hurting.

So When Elna is in your discard pile hive is activated. Nimmei and the queen= Awesome. Add Tabbal, Deep Dirge, and Elna, and you just got yourself an A++ in army school. Add wamma, and you're valadictorion! Infect, proteck, and destroy!

Watch army vid here.

Sorry for not high depth. I will do better ones in the future, but sprained wrists aren't fun. Especially when your doc says that a part of it might be permently broken.... :(\

Sorry about that, typed an 8 when it meant to be a 6.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Your Daily Dose of Vitamin PC (August 31)

E734 4D43 7AB8
At first glance, you are thinking, "What the Health is PC thinking! Giving us a crap card for a vitamin!" Accelerated Unity is a great card! Not some Ultra, but an under-rated Common card from my favorite set!
Accelerated Unity takes into the concept of "Mixxing the Tribes" before the big "Unity" starts. It is a powered down version of Unified TribeCharge. I'm a big fan of mixxed decks, no matter how many loyal decks I make, the mixxed become the best. In fact, I am going to show you a simplar version of a deck I want to build!
Accelerated Unity is a card that says "I'm different, and I'm proud!" It shows that a Unity can be forged, but is only one if all of us come together. It can only do full damage when you hold 5 tribes in your deck. Yep. FIVE. "Wait, PC, the M'arrillians are evil! Why would I want them in MY deck?!" Thank you Tommy! Just what I wanted to say.
The M'arrillians are seen as the evil of Perim. Trying to wreak havic on theworld sounds a bit, I don't know, Perim War II-ish. So yeah, they seem evil, but to acheive greatness, it must be thrust upon you. You aren't born great, you have to earn it. You, my friend, are Perim's future, and must combine all 5 tribes to find the power of peace.
5 tribes= 20 Damage +.
"What do you mean +?"
Thank you!
The plus comes in with Bodal's daggar. Accelerated United is a genaric attack. ( I call them Genaric as they have only base and a none stat ability).
It can deal 30 damage in the right deck. :) Just so you know, this is the right deck :P
It's downsides are that if you don't have 5 tribes, it deals less than its build cost. 5 tribes = 20 =2 build points = 1 0 cost = 1 attack that isn't so great. So if you don't have 5 tribes, you migh as well not bother with this attack.
Now, the deck!
1: Brathe w/ Bodal's Dagger
2: Nunk'worn w/ Muge's Tunningfork
3: Klencka, Avenger w/ Bodal's daggar
4: Aivenna, OW Leutenit w/ Bronze Flight
5: Xelfe w/ Weightless Energy Vessel
6: Nivenna, UnderWorld Luetenuit w/ Mipedian Baladeer's Flute

Descrition of Creatures/ Battlegear:
Brathe is there for his Strike 15. Because all the attacks are genaric, his first attack will be 25+.
Nunk'Worn is there for Mugic counters. He will gain and gain!
Klencka is a powerhouse if you have the right attack in your hand. It'll deal at least 10 damage.
Aivenna is there as a defender. After she defends, Swap her battlegear for the dagger. BOOM!
Nivenna can deal 50 damage total!
Xelfe = Swift, or mugic counters.
Armanent Adigio x2
Mugic reprise x2
Elemental Denial
Chromatic Postlude
Swap the Dagger around. Nunk'worn can't use it though!
Bring back your Armanent Adigios!
Denied! Get rid of opposing elements!
Save Nunk'Worn, and deal damage!
Accelerated Unity x2 (4 bp)
Unified Tribecharge x2 (14 bp)
Grantkae's Stance (17 bp)
Primal Smash (18 bp)
Squeeze Play x2 (20 bp)
Aftermath Feint x2
Power Punch x2
Snare attack x2
Outsmart x2
Muges Edge x2
Screech Scare x2
Must I go into detail? Everything = 10 more damage!
Numain Voidland x2
Carnival of Confusion, Mind Games x2
Mipedim Mirage x2
Vidav's Refranctorium x2
Gorram's Breifing x2

Your Daily dose of Vitamin PC

Well, instead of a card of the week, I will post a new segment, daily.

Vitamin PC- A special vitamin that creates a strong strategic mind and enhances your collection.

What this means is that I will post a card code as well as a pic of the card. Then, I will describe this card full on. I will then post a deckbuild.

Check daily. You never know what the card is!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Legend of SkyWorld:Book One: Perim Proluge

Legend of the SkyWorlders
Book 1: Perim
Writen By: PCShark11


The man briskly walked down the corridor, glancing nervously around. The man’s name was Slinde, and he didn’t want anyone to see him in the Grand Council Building. He had made it 5 paces in the corridor when a drop of liquid landed in front of him. He glanced around, wondering if anyone was near him. He looked down to the scarlet carpet flooring that ran the length of the immense hallway, and where the drop hit, was a golden stain. He curiously looked up to see that the ceiling had a huge golden leek.
Something was on the above floor that was seeping through the wooden paneling. Suddenly, going into the Grand Council meeting did not interest Slinde as much anymore. He had a puzzled look on his face as he pondered about what the golden liquid was. He took a step back towards the door he had entered. He then opened the door, and exited the building.
From outside, the Grand Council Building looked like a Mammoth alongside thousands of small insects. Slinde always had wondered why they needed such a large structure for a group of only 5 men.
Slinde reached into his robes to pull out a long rope. He fastened a small hook onto the end, and threw it high into the air. There was a loud scraping noise, and the rope became taunt. He pulled hard on the rope twice, but nothing happened. He then started pulling himself up, hand-over-hand.
He looked down at the small specs of people as he climbed. Some watched as he crept higher. Some ushered their children away from the scene. He saw one alert a guard.
Slinde hurried his slow extent towards the second floor. He saw the guard sprinting towards the building, with his whistle in hand. The guard puckered his small lips, and blew the silver object. The noise pierced the air as guards from all over the streets ran to the building.
Slinde was now swinging on the rope. His arms ached. He knew he would fall, but he was so close to the second floor balcony! He swung violently outwards toward the streets. When the rope was swinging fast enough to produce a loud swishing noise, Slinde let go.
He flipped upwards, and his hand caught hold of the balcony railing. He pulled himself up and over the delicate mahogany rail, and sprinted across the balcony to the door. He saw hooks similar to his latch onto the balcony. He heard the scrapping noise echo around him off the furniture of the terrace.
He then opened the door, and stepped onto the second floor of the Grand Council Building. None had stepped onto this floor except for the Grand Council and the occasional guard and survived. The punishment for infiltrating the building was severe; execution, and if you are lucky, banishment.
As he stepped into the building, he saw the golden splotch that he came for. It was seeping through the ground, but like the first floor, it didn’t start there. He looked up, and saw a pool of golden liquid on the ceiling. He had to go up another floor. The staircases were in the dome shaped building of the Grand Council Court. He sprinted down the lengthy corridor, and passed a slender guard. As he passed, the guard looked shocked, angry, and most of all confused. He shouted at Slinde, but Slinde ignored the man.
The guard started to get up from his chair to chase after Slinde when he noticed one of the golden droplets on the carpet. He reached down and touched the small stain. It was warm to the touch. His fingernail felt as if it were burning. He looked closely at the golden stain.
He then realized his finger was actually burning! The golden liquid was some type of acid that burned flesh. He grabbed the water can next to him and poured some onto his burning tissue. He yelped in pain as the burning sensation increased.
It was starting to reach the rest of his arm when it suddenly stopped. The guard looked at his finger. It was the crisp dark color of burnt skin. His entire hand was the same way. At the very tip of his fingernail was a small golden color.
He stood there for a couple of seconds then realized that Slinde was getting away. He raced down the hallway in the direction that Slinde had run. He made sure to dodge all golden splotches.

Slinde was in front of the Grand Council Room door when the golden liquid fell at his feet. He heard loud shouts from down the hallway, followed by the sound of feet heavily pounding on the floor. Slinde opened the door and found himself on a small catwalk over a fancily furnished room. In the room sat 4 men wearing elegant robes of lavender and tan. Slinde looked around for a fifth person, but saw none.
The men were in deep discussion over something that Slinde could not make out from the distance he was at. He saw the metal staircases that lead to the upper floors. He softly sprinted to them, hoping not to make a sound. A soft echo of boot on metal clanged from the catwalk, but the Council beneath him did not seem to notice.
He reached the staircases when the door he had entered burst open. The guard ran in, wielding a bow and a quiver of arrows. He knocked the arrow, and aimed at Slinde. Slinde moved slightly to the left as the arrow flew by. The sharp metal tip nicked his right arm before sailing into the railing. It permitted a sharp hissing noise.
The Grand Council had heard the ruckus, and were now aware of the trouble on the second floor catwalk.
Another arrow sailed past Slinde. He barely made it away from that one by dodging to the right. Slinde turned around, and bounded up the stairs while pulling a small knife from his inside cloak pocket. An arrow hit the banister in front of Slinde’s right leg.
He reached the curving point in the staircase and turned. He was only partially visible to the archer. The guard reached into his quiver and pulled out a larger arrow, with 3 points formed in a large triangle. A fourth, smaller point rested in the center of the shape. This point looked sharp enough to pierce armor. In this case, 2 banisters and poor vision weren’t going to save Slinde.
To his great surprise, the archer did not aim at the area where Slinde was, but an area a bit lower. Slinde expected a bit higher, as the arrow would fall with all that weight. Still, nonetheless, Slinde took off running up the staircase until he reached the curve. He thought that the archer’s aim could have been a trick to make him come into the open and be hit down with a normal arrow.
Slinde took a quick peek to the guard’s position. He was where he entered the room, and was still aiming at the spot a bit lower than Slinde’s former position. He followed the guard’s gaze and saw what he didn’t want to see.
The guard wasn’t aiming for him.
The guard was aiming at the pillar holding the stairs up.
Slinde crossed the curve, and started running up the flight of stairs. He didn’t care that he was a wide open target for any incoming arrows. All he cared about was reaching the third floor and running until he reached the end of the catwalk.
He took a brief glance to see the archer release his restraint on the string. With a loud ‘twang’ and an even louder splintering noise, the stairs began to give way.
Slinde sprinted the fastest he could as the stairs fell out from underneath him. Another ‘twang’ and a loud crash told him that the other pillar had been destroyed. The staircases tipped to the side, and began to fell.
The last thing Slinde heard was the screaming of the four present Grand Council Members as the staircase landed around them.
Luckily, Slinde wasn’t on that staircase any longer. The reason that it was the last thing he heard was because he had passed out on the catwalk of the third floor from loss of blood. It didn’t matter. They couldn’t reach him.
Not yet anyways.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Army Aid

I'm trying to help you guys out with your armies. Just pm them to me, and I can fix them up for you. You can also suggest a tribe, and I can show you the basics. For more info, see this.

Monday, August 24, 2009

#1 Deck

If I am still #1 in Hotekk at theend of the month, I will post my Deck build. :)

Hit counter

I have installed a hit counter (Located at bottom of page) For the person who gets a screen shot closest to 10,000 I will give a super rare card. Good luck!

Card of the Week (August 24, 2009)

The card of the week this week is for those Danian fans like myself! She happens to be the ruler of them! Yep, Illexia! She is one of my favorite Danians, and she is a great card! Her ability is amazing! She keeps gaining counters, and her counters count as mandiblors! Nimmei + Illexia = Amazing! After 2 more card of the week, I will post the Deck of the Weeks with Illexia and the others! :) (This time with video!)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Some Previews!

I would like to show you all the previews I have found for Secrets of the Lost City: Alliences Unraveled. These are all the website links that have the pics. :)

The first few come from Occasus. Occasus was nice enough to take some pics at Gen Con and bring them to his own blog. After asking, he said I could link to his webpage so that you could enjoy his treats. I'm not going to post the pics myself, as they are Occasus' and not mine, so use the link. :)

Next we have the articles of TCDOP. They also continuely add previews, so keep watching!

TCGPlayer has 2 previews: An awesome mandiblor, and Arrthoa!

The sellsheet doesn't have any previews, but some info.

Castle Mommark

I'll Update if I find more. :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Deck of the Weeks (Weeks of August 3, August 10, and August 17)


1: Ilx equipped with Obliterators
2: Uksum equipped with Kha’rall Shard of Chance
3: Ilx equipped with Obliterators
4: Chaor equipped with Heptad’s Crown
5: Takinom, the Shadow Night equipped with Dread Tread
6: Lord Van Bloot equipped with Destroctozuka

Fanfare of the Vanishing x2
Sog of Surprisel
Song of Revival
Melody of the Meek x2

Plasma Arrow x2
Whirlwind Scythes x2
Flying Advantage x2
Tornado Tackle x2
Fire Ring x2
Clashjet x2
Mightswing x2
Hammer Dash x2
Magma Hack x2
Marksman’s Preparation x2

UnderWorld City x2
UnderWorld Coliseum x2
Lore’s Chamber of Recall x2
Kiru City Tunnels x2
Sands of the Unseen x2

Okay, your main person is Uksum. He will gain 70 energy, plus his 5 from the shard to get him to 100 energy. You then have other aids like Lore’s Chamber of Recall. Put this under Him for another 30 energy. Then you have Kiru city Tunnels. Everyone else deals 10 less, you deal normal damage. Melody of the meek makes your opponent only able to deal 10 or less damage.
Takinom is there to quickly remove support creatures, or even good creatures. Use Song of Suprisel to make her have swift 3 and range. Then, you can either attack top creatures, and use Fanfareof the vanishing, or take out 2 support creatures. (Or a combination) Strike 40 twice is nice. Plus her ability, making it 3 times is wow. :)

Card of the Week (August 17, 2009)

The card of the week for this week is Ilx! You may be seeing a theme going here, so let me just say that later this week, possibly later today, you will see why I am showing only UW cards as the cards of the week. Every 3 weeks, I will post a deck build. This deck build is there to show you how to use these cards well.

So, Ilx is just awesome! I wish I had another, as he is just amazing! If you are looking for a mixxed deck, Use him with Torweg and Akkalbi. Then get some discord of disarming, and other disarming mugic! Air 15, no Recklessness! If you are looking for a pure deck, just wait a couple of hours to see it! :) Ilx can get up to 75 energy. Chaor can get up to 75. Now, who do we know who can gain energy easily? :)

Ilx is awesome! 8/10

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Card of the Week (August 10th, 2009)

Sorry for being a day late. :)

The Card of the Week is Uksum! This guy is crazy awesome! Give him a shard of chance when he is pure, and have only creatures with 70+ energy, and max energy can get him to 100 energy. Put a lore's chamber of recall under him, and 130 energy! (And air and fire!)

With the right deck, Uksum is near unstopable!


Monday, August 3, 2009

Card of the Week (August 3rd, 2009)

The card of the week for this week is the Dread Tread! The Dread Tread is one of the Legendary Battlegear found in Turn of the Tide. It only works in an UnderWorld only deck. The Dread Tread is the only card in the game that not only lets you move a second time, but it lets you start another combat! Place it on the right creature, and you just won two combats, easy! A great combo for the dread tread is: Takinom The Shadow Knight equipped with Dread Tread. In the future, I will be bringing you a deck that focuses on this combo!

I give it a 8.6/10!

The Begining?

Okay, I have been busy, and forgot all about my old blog! (lol) Since it is in ruins, I have created yet another one. This one will (I hope) be the last one I have to create. I will have Videos, Pictures, Previews, Decks, and much more!

Let's get Chaotic!