Monday, August 31, 2009

Your Daily Dose of Vitamin PC (August 31)

E734 4D43 7AB8
At first glance, you are thinking, "What the Health is PC thinking! Giving us a crap card for a vitamin!" Accelerated Unity is a great card! Not some Ultra, but an under-rated Common card from my favorite set!
Accelerated Unity takes into the concept of "Mixxing the Tribes" before the big "Unity" starts. It is a powered down version of Unified TribeCharge. I'm a big fan of mixxed decks, no matter how many loyal decks I make, the mixxed become the best. In fact, I am going to show you a simplar version of a deck I want to build!
Accelerated Unity is a card that says "I'm different, and I'm proud!" It shows that a Unity can be forged, but is only one if all of us come together. It can only do full damage when you hold 5 tribes in your deck. Yep. FIVE. "Wait, PC, the M'arrillians are evil! Why would I want them in MY deck?!" Thank you Tommy! Just what I wanted to say.
The M'arrillians are seen as the evil of Perim. Trying to wreak havic on theworld sounds a bit, I don't know, Perim War II-ish. So yeah, they seem evil, but to acheive greatness, it must be thrust upon you. You aren't born great, you have to earn it. You, my friend, are Perim's future, and must combine all 5 tribes to find the power of peace.
5 tribes= 20 Damage +.
"What do you mean +?"
Thank you!
The plus comes in with Bodal's daggar. Accelerated United is a genaric attack. ( I call them Genaric as they have only base and a none stat ability).
It can deal 30 damage in the right deck. :) Just so you know, this is the right deck :P
It's downsides are that if you don't have 5 tribes, it deals less than its build cost. 5 tribes = 20 =2 build points = 1 0 cost = 1 attack that isn't so great. So if you don't have 5 tribes, you migh as well not bother with this attack.
Now, the deck!
1: Brathe w/ Bodal's Dagger
2: Nunk'worn w/ Muge's Tunningfork
3: Klencka, Avenger w/ Bodal's daggar
4: Aivenna, OW Leutenit w/ Bronze Flight
5: Xelfe w/ Weightless Energy Vessel
6: Nivenna, UnderWorld Luetenuit w/ Mipedian Baladeer's Flute

Descrition of Creatures/ Battlegear:
Brathe is there for his Strike 15. Because all the attacks are genaric, his first attack will be 25+.
Nunk'Worn is there for Mugic counters. He will gain and gain!
Klencka is a powerhouse if you have the right attack in your hand. It'll deal at least 10 damage.
Aivenna is there as a defender. After she defends, Swap her battlegear for the dagger. BOOM!
Nivenna can deal 50 damage total!
Xelfe = Swift, or mugic counters.
Armanent Adigio x2
Mugic reprise x2
Elemental Denial
Chromatic Postlude
Swap the Dagger around. Nunk'worn can't use it though!
Bring back your Armanent Adigios!
Denied! Get rid of opposing elements!
Save Nunk'Worn, and deal damage!
Accelerated Unity x2 (4 bp)
Unified Tribecharge x2 (14 bp)
Grantkae's Stance (17 bp)
Primal Smash (18 bp)
Squeeze Play x2 (20 bp)
Aftermath Feint x2
Power Punch x2
Snare attack x2
Outsmart x2
Muges Edge x2
Screech Scare x2
Must I go into detail? Everything = 10 more damage!
Numain Voidland x2
Carnival of Confusion, Mind Games x2
Mipedim Mirage x2
Vidav's Refranctorium x2
Gorram's Breifing x2


  1. If you get it, make sure you say so. So I can put the card in my binder. :P

  2. i wonder if tribless count as different tribes casue then you could do 30 damage with it

  3. wow I actually love this deck. :) also thanks for the code :P

  4. man i so dont want 2 face this army right now it will deal at least 10 damage every attacks which get annoying after a while


  5. your doing this every day ? I give it a week :P

  6. I'll post the next one after I get done with my homework.

    Yep, every day. Soon, i will run out of codes, so it'll be first to respond gets free trade. :)
